"Multiple wavelet-tree-based image coding and robust transmission" by Lei Cao and Chang Wen Chen

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering


In this paper, we present techniques based on multiple wavelet-tree coding for robust image transmission. The algorithm of set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) is a state-of-the-art technique for image compression. This variable length coding (VLC) technique, however, is extremely sensitive to channel errors. To improve the error resilience capability and in the meantime to keep the high source coding efficiency through VLC, we propose to encode each wavelet tree or a group of wavelet trees using SPIHT algorithm independently. Instead of encoding the entire image as one bitstream, multiple bitstreams are generated. Therefore, error propagation is limited within individual bitstream. Two methods based on subsampling and human visual sensitivity are proposed to group the wavelet trees. The multiple bitstreams are further protected by the rate compatible puncture convolutional (RCPC) codes. Unequal error protection are provided for both different bitstreams and different bit segments inside each bitstream. We also investigate the improvement of error resilience through error resilient entropy coding (EREC) and wavelet tree coding when channels are slightly corruptive. A simple post-processing technique is also proposed to alleviate the effect of residual errors. We demonstrate through simulations that systems with these techniques can achieve much better performance than systems transmitting a single bitstream in noisy environments.

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