Date of Award


Document Type

Doctoral Research Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



First Advisor

Philip D. Farber

Second Advisor

Richard T. Elmore Jr.

Third Advisor

John Frongillo

Fourth Advisor

Mary Beth Kenkel


The Scale of Accurate Personality Prediction (SAPP) is a measure derived from the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF Fifth Edition) with the objective of assessing one’s level of self-knowledge. The SAPP measures self-knowledge by appraising the extent to which individuals are able to accurately predict their personality traits. Previous research on the SAPP has provided support for its construct validation. The present study served as a replication of prior reliability studies to further assess the SAPP’s temporal stability. Test-retest reliability data of the SAPP was obtained by comparing SAPP scores from 34 individuals across two testing sessions that were two weeks apart. Statistical analyses using Pearson’s correlation coefficient were conducted, which revealed a significant moderate correlation between the two derived SAPP scores (r2= .584, p< .01). Implications and limitations of this study, as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.


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