Policies for Theses and Dissertations

Electronic Thesis and Dissertations must be approved by the Office of Graduate Programs at Florida Tech and are subject to the Open Access for Theses and Dissertations Policy

Summary of Procedures and Guidelines for Submission of Thesis/Dissertation

Preliminary Review of Thesis/Dissertation

  1. Student submits thesis/dissertation manuscript to the Office of Graduate Programs for initial format check and to confirm the manuscript complies with the Florida Tech Thesis/Dissertation Manual and Style Guide.
  2. Student submits thesis/dissertation manuscript to the Thesis/Dissertation Committee for review at least two weeks prior to thesis defense or at least one month prior to dissertation defense.

Approval of Thesis/Dissertation

  1. After the successful completion of thesis/dissertation defense, the Thesis/Dissertation Committee signs the Defense Report.
  2. Student makes any manuscript revisions as recommended by Thesis/Dissertation Committee.
  3. Thesis/Dissertation Committee and Academic Unit Head/College Dean sign Signature Page, indicating that the content of thesis/dissertation manuscript has been approved for submission to the Office of Graduate Programs.

Electronic Submission of Thesis/Dissertation

  1. Student and thesis/dissertation advisor complete and sign the Open Access Form, choosing an embargo option if applicable.
  2. Student submits the open access form and signed Signature Page along with the revised version of thesis/dissertation manuscript to the Office of Graduate Programs for format check and final approval.
  3. After final approval, student uploads the approved thesis/dissertation manuscript as a PDF file to the University’s online thesis/dissertation management system.
  4. The Evans Library provides free and open access to thesis/dissertation within the Scholarship Repository of Florida Tech, subject to approved embargo period.

Post-Facto Revision of Thesis/Dissertation

  1. Under rare circumstances, with recommendation from Thesis/Dissertation Committee and with respective academic unit endorsement, thesis/dissertation advisor may request post-acceptance changes to the submitted thesis/dissertation.
  2. Thesis/dissertation advisor submits a post-facto revision request along with a rationale to the Office of Graduate Programs.
  3. The Office of Graduate Programs forwards the post-facto revision request to the Provost for consideration.
  4. If approved by the Provost, an erratum to thesis/dissertation content or modification/removal of classified or confidential information is made and student follows the procedure for electronic submission of the revised thesis/dissertation.
  5. Request to change author name of thesis/dissertation along with associated metadata must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Programs and requires the Provost’s approval.