Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Bisk College of Business

First Advisor

Jignya Patel

Second Advisor

Fengkun Liu

Third Advisor

Nick Daher

Fourth Advisor

Victoria Follette


In today's big data era, the recognition of big data analytics (BDA) as a competitive differentiator is making companies invest heavily in its potential. However, for most companies, this requires a significant transformation that needs to be led from the top. Thus, the top management team's (TMT) managerial resources will be key to how BDA resources and existing BDA ordinary capabilities are further orchestrated as dynamic capabilities. This study grounded in the Upper Echelons theory, the Dynamic Managerial Capabilities (DMC), and Resource Orchestration frameworks sought to understand the impact of the managerial resources of cognition, human and social capital on the BDA orchestration processes of restructuring and reconfiguring/redeploying and how those processes, in turn, drive competitive advantage. The study results showed that the TMT managerial resources impact, albeit with varying effects, the BDA orchestration processes of restructuring and reconfiguring/redeploying. The study results also demonstrated that reconfiguring/redeploying plays a significant mediating role in driving competitive advantage from restructuring. Moreover, environmental dynamism positively moderates the reconfiguring/redeploying, competitive advantage relationship.


Copyright held by author.
