Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Development, Testing, Analysis, and Efficiency of a Variable Area Dredge in Combination with a Mobile Ferrate-Based Treatment Facility, Leigh Ann Provost
Identification Of Elements Essential For Replication Origin Activity In Escherichia coli, Prassanna Rao
CFD Analysis of Resistance for Stepless and Stepped Planing Hulls, Bhanu Prakash Valtheru
Morphology Of The Olfactory Apparatus In Leptocephalus Larvae, Molly Ann Wightman
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Assessing the Hydrodynamic and Economic Impacts of Biofouling on the Hull of Surface Vessels Using Numerical Methods, Letchi Evrard Quentin Anoman
Dynamics Of Asymmetrical Configurations Of Catamaran Hull Forms, Vaibhav Aribenchi
CFD Analysis of Resistance Characteristics of High-Speed Displacement Hull Forms fitted with Hull Vane®, Venkata Karthik Avala
Copper Tolerance of Amphibalanus amphitrite as Observed in Central Florida, Hannah Grace Brinson
Seasonally Managed Connectivity of An East Florida Mosquito Impoundment to Increase Emigration Of Juvenile Snook And Tarpon From The Nursery Habitat, Anthony Carl Cianciotto
Distributions of Polychaetes as a Function of Sediment Composition in a Subtropical Lagoon, Anthony William Cox
The Roles of Diffusion and Bulk Flow in Neural Function and Alzheimer's Disease, Wade N. Dauberman
St. Lucie Shoal Complex: Regional Sediment Resource or Submerged Storm Breakwater, Leaf Erickson
The Impact of Marine Protected Areas on Reef-Wide Population Structure and Fishing-Induced Phenotypes in Coral-Reef Fishes, Robert Young Fidler III
Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii, A Model For Quorum Sensing At The Interkingdom Interface, Timothy Charles Haire
Evaluating Ensemble Wind Downscaling Methodologies over a Coastal Estuary, Bryan Paul Holman
Thermal Response of Behavior and Gene Expression of Heat Shock Proteins in the Lined Seahorse, Hippocampus erectus, Cara Johnson
Hydrodynamic Resistance of a Surfboard: An Analytical, Empirical, and Statistical Analysis, Andrew Leonard Kledzik
Circadian Rhythms In The Retina Of The Atlantic Tarpon, Megalops Atlanticus, Kristin Leigh Kopperud
Modeling The Niche Space Of Coral Assemblages Along The Florida Reef Tract, Kelly Renee McCaffrey
Novel Hyperspectral Imagery and Platforms for Shallow Water Environments, Taylor Scott Oney
Timing and Consequences of Pleistocene Megafaunal Population Collapse in South America, Marco Felipe Raczka
Age And Growth Of Bonefish, Albula Species Among Cuban Habitats, Jacob Joseph Rennert
Late Holocene Climate and Vegetation Change in Central Michigan, Rachel Kathleen Sales
Population Genetics of the Florida Scrub-Jay at Kennedy Space Center, Cory James Spern
Predatory Capacity of King Crabs in Antarctica, Brittan V. Steffel
A Physical and Computational Comparison of Floating Breakwater Design Efficiencies for Habitat Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon, Abigail Lynn Stehno
Reef-Building Threatened by Ecosystem Decline: A Case Study from Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, Elizabeth M. Whitcher
Temporal Transformation of Barrier Islands A round Nakdong Estuary, Sukzun Youn
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Categorizing “Muck” in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Based on Chemical, Physical and Biological Characteristics, Katherine Mae Beckett
An Analysis of the Moisture and Moist Static Energy Budgets in AMIP Simulations, Kristine Adelaide Boykin
Phycotoxin Loads in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) from the Indian River Lagoon Estuary System and Coastal Altlantic Waters, Florida: 2002-2011, Jeremy Alan Browning
Modeling Reef-Coral Response to Climate Change, Christopher William Cacciapaglia
The Design of an Articulating Five-Headed In-Water Grooming Tool to Maintain Ships Free of Fouling, Caglar Erdogan
Surface Cooling Due to Precipitation in the Tropics, Camila Gomes Martins Ramos
The Effects of Elevated pCO₂ and Temperature on the Embryonic Development, Larval Survivorship, Condition, Calcification, Morphology, and Behavior of the Florida Stone Crab, Menippe Mercenaria, Philip Michael Gravinese
The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary, Daniel Christopher Hope
Quantification of Frictional Drag due to Biofouling on In-Service Ships, John Travis Hunsucker
The Role of Biotic and Environmental Factors in Spatial and Temporal Variability of Indian River Lagoon Copepod Communities, Hannah G. Kolb
Influence of NDBC Buoy Design on Sea Surface Temperature Trends in the Coastal United States, Alexander Keith Nickerson
Simulating Bottom Reflectance Retrievals Using an Analytical Solution for the Two-Flow Irradiance Models, Tyler A. Rotkiske
Exploring the Role of Biofilms in the Transport and Establishment of Invasive Marine Macrofoulers, Lynn Holly Sweat
Chemical Forms of Nitrogen in Runoff from Diverse Florida Watersheds, Jessica Emily Voelker
Benthic Foraminiferal Distributions in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary and the Influence of Environmental Factors, Maria Angelica Zamora-Durán
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Resistance Prediction for Asymmetrical Configurations of High-Speed Catamaran Hull Forms, Srikanth Asapana
Developmental Analysis Of Rod And Cone Photoreceptor Architecture In The Retina Of The Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas), Nikia Lynn Rice
Impact of Constructing a Low Crested Weir in Cape Canaveral on Flushing in the Banana River, Atousa Saberi
CFD Investigation of Resistance of High-Speed Trimaran Hull Forms, Chang Hwan Son
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Evaluating the Surface Layer Wind Profile in the WRF, Robert Stephen James
Metamorphosis Of Limulus Polyphemus Trilobite Larvae: Role Of Chemical And Structural Cues, Competency, And The Cost Of Delayed Metamorphosis, Stephanie Marie Kronstadt
Human Influences on Anuran Distribution Changes in the Southeastern U.S.A., Michelle Diane Luce
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Re-Evaluation Of Resistance Prediction For High-Speed Round Bilge Hull Forms, Jae Won
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Oceanic Transport and Life History of the Tropical Western Atlantic Opossum Pipefish, Microphis brachyurus lineatus, Sarah Frias-Torres
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Developmental Taxonomy and Distribution of Paralarval Squid from the Florida Current, Carrie Leeonne Adams