"Short Term Changes in Seagrass Meadows in the Northern Indian River La" by Jean A. Hirschfeld

Document Type



The purpose of this study was to research the distribution and growth of seagrasses at the Max Brewer Causeway (Titusville, FL) over Summer 2015. The seagrass surveyed was Halodule wrightii, because of it is the most abundant species of seagrass in the Indian River Lagoon. Seagrass is important to shallow waters because of the coastal/shoreline protection they offer, the food they deliver for grazers, and the nursery habitat they offer for developing fish. Seagrass surveys were carried out at the end of May and the end of June, and then compared. Both drift algae and H. wrightii were studied because of their frequent association. Results showed a decrease of drift algae coverage and canopy height, and an increase of seagrass coverage and canopy height in just 4 weeks.

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Faculty Advisor: Kevin B. Johnson



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