Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Systems Engineering

First Advisor

Luis Daniel Otero

Second Advisor

Troy Nguyen

Third Advisor

Juan C. Avendano Arbelaez

Fourth Advisor

Gnana Bhaskar Tenali


The integration of models created through model-based systems engineering methods with DoDAF is not a new concept. By creating DoDAF-aligned models, DoD program managers are following DoD guidelines to hopefully achieve more effective communication with stakeholders and improve efficiency of their programs. With the use of MBSE tools to create these models, DoD program managers are able to take further advantage of the benefits of MBSE methods. However, even with the use of MBSE tools, there continue to be issues throughout DoD programs. The literature has shown that a continuous improvement approach regarding the use of MBSE tools with DoDAF and within DoD programs may result in significant improvements to DOD processes in terms of comminucation, efficiency, and integration. This study provides an investigation on the current status of these tools and their functions that are most commonly used by people in the defense industry. The research aims to suggest potential improvements to these tools based on reviewed literature and interviews from industry professionals for future development to further modernize DoD program management.
