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Physical Review Letters
Yields for J=c production in Cu þ Cu collisions at ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sNN p ¼ 200 GeV have been measured over the rapidity range jyj < 2:2 and compared with results in p þ p and Au þ Au collisions at the same energy. The Cu þ Cu data offer greatly improved precision over existing Au þ Au data for J=c production in collisions with small to intermediate numbers of participants, in the range where the quark-gluon plasma transition threshold is predicted to lie. Cold nuclear matter estimates based on ad hoc fits to d þ Au data describe the Cu þ Cu data up to Npart 50, corresponding to a Bjorken energy density of at least 1:5 GeV=fm3.
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Adare, A., Afanasiev, S., Aidala, C., Ajitanand, N. N., Akiba, Y., Al-Bataineh, H., . . . Zolin, L. (2008). J/ψ production in sNN=200GeV Cu+Cu collisions. Physical Review Letters, 101(12)