Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical and Civil Engineering

First Advisor

Steven Shaw

Second Advisor

Ersoy Subasi

Third Advisor

Hector Gutierrez

Fourth Advisor

Hamid Hefazi


The performance of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is a topic that attracts attention from the scientific community due to their diverse applications. The use of MEMS has been applied to areas of medicine, timing, sensing, and microfluids to name a few. This work seeks to enhance the performance of a MEM resonator by optimizing its linear dynamic range (LDR) through the idea of combining the mixed nonlinear effects that stem from mechanical and electrostatic forces. The modeling procedure in this work incorporates the third-order Duffing model and includes an electrostatic effect that is expanded to the fifth order nonlinearity. When involving the nonlinear effects simultaneously, this no longer allows for closed-form solutions and the approach to finding an optimal performance state resorts to numerical methods. It has been customary to apply a DC bias on the resonator that is directed to cancel out the cubic nonlinearity composed of both mechanical and electrostatic terms, but this study shows that it is possible to increase the LDR still more.
