"Cross-platform Development of Wake-Up-Word" by Christopher Ryan Woodle

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Engineering and Sciences

First Advisor

Veton Z. Kepuska

Second Advisor

Samuel P. Kozaitis

Third Advisor

Marius C. Silaghi

Fourth Advisor

Philip J. Bernhard


The goal of this project will be to explore cross-platform implementation of Wake-Up- Word (WUW). To enable the development of future speech-based artificial intelligence applications, it is important to have robust and accessible implementations of WUW. Adoption of Unix based operating systems continues to expand for server, backend, and embedded applications, therefore a WUW implementation in Unix will become essential. As web technologies continue to grow, WUW will also need to be implemented in web, using technologies such as JavaScript and Web Assembly (WASM). This project encompasses porting the previous implementation of WUW from Microsoft Windows to Unix, building a new WUW model with optimizations, and new front-end processing implementations in web technologies.
