"The Effects of the Teaching Interactions Procedure on Esports Coaches’" by Alyson Mary Intihar

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Catherine Nicholson

Second Advisor

Patrick J. Aragon

Third Advisor

Kaitlynn Gokey

Fourth Advisor

Nicholas Matey


The current study sought to evaluate the effects of the teaching interactions procedure (TIP) to train Esports coaches to deliver feedback to players in a naturalistic context. Using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants experimental design, coaches delivered feedback to two players based on their performance in Esports games. Baseline and generalization probes were taken before and after the teaching interactions procedure was implemented. A feedback intervention was implemented for participants who did not reach mastery with just exposure to the teaching interactions procedure alone. Maintenance probes were conducted after mastery was reached. The results showed that for two of the participants who experienced the teaching interactions procedure, the training procedure alone was not sufficient for them to reach the mastery criterion. Once a feedback intervention identical to the feedback given during the teaching interactions procedure was implemented, they were able to reach mastery. The current study extends the literature on teaching interactions, Esports, and teaching feedback delivery as a skill.


Copyright held by author

Available for download on Thursday, July 31, 2025
