Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

First Advisor

Syed H. Murshid

Second Advisor

Gnana Bhaskar Tenali

Third Advisor

Samuel P. Kozaitis

Fourth Advisor

Brian A. Lail


Spatial division multiplexing (SDM) is a technique used in telecommunications and networking to increase data transmission capacity over optical fiber communication channels. This multiplexing technique spatially reuses optical frequencies by allocating different spatial locations for inputs based on their inject angles. The signals travel in a helical pattern within the carrier fiber and exit as concentric rings. SDM enables more efficient utilization of available bandwidth and improved communication performance. In four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4), each symbol represents a combination of four possible signal levels instead of the two levels in binary modulation. The four levels are denoted in different ways. Each symbol carries two bits of information, effectively doubling the data rate compared to binary modulation schemes, in which each symbol represents only one bit. The simplified PAM4 signal is generated with the addition of three laser intensities incoherently. By using PAM4 modulation, the system achieves higher data rates while improving spectral efficiency and signal integrity. Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology where multiple optical signals of different wavelengths or colors are transmitted over the same fiber. Each signal carries its own data stream, effectively allowing for multiple channels of communication within a single optical fiber. This study presents a novel approach to enhancing the capacity and efficiency of optical fiber communication systems through the implementation of an SDM system utilizing PAM4 with WDM. The approach significantly increases the optical communication data rates. By leveraging the synergies between SDM and PAM4 architectures, this research contributes to advancing the capacity and efficiency of optical fiber communication networks, addressing the escalating demands for high-speed data transmission. The proposed system aims to increase the overall system capacity by a factor of 8 by leveraging the benefits of SDM, WDM, and PAM4 modulation.

Available for download on Sunday, July 27, 2025
