Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Aerospace, Physics, and Space Sciences

First Advisor

Ralph D. Kimberlin, Dr.-Ing.

Second Advisor

Brooke E. Wheeler, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

David C. Fleming, Ph.D.

Fourth Advisor

Ratneshwar Jha, Ph.D.


As electric aircraft are developed and certified, knowledge of electric aircraft performance during complete or partial battery failures can be useful to determine an aircraft’s limitations and capabilities of completing an emergency landing, especially during takeoff and low-altitude climbs, as well as fully characterizing the potential aircraft performance. The results of this research will be useful in developing regulations and procedures pertaining to energy reserves and emergencies. This paper presents the results of a Pipistrel electric airplane climb power ground test that was conducted by the author and Florida Tech faculty. In the test, one of the airplane’s batteries was inoperative, and the airplane’s engine was run at full and minimum climb power. The results were compared to the limitations, power settings, and engine output data presented in the pilot operating handbook. It was discovered that the maximum power and RPM produced by one battery was less than that produced by two batteries. The maximum full power produced by one battery was 2 kW to 9 kW less than the lowest full power given in the operating handbook, and the maximum full power RPM was closer to the minimum climb power RPM than the full power RPM limit in the handbook. Minimum climb power was achievable until a low battery state of charge. The flight time with one operational battery was less than 10 minutes due to the rapid decrease of battery state of charge and the increasing battery temperature, which rapidly reached the maximum limit stated in the pilot operating handbook. Comparing the results to previous climb test data of the airplane suggested that a typical pattern altitude could be achieved with the power produced by one battery, provided that the initial battery state of charge is high.


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