Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science In Aviation Human Factors



First Advisor

John E. Deaton

Second Advisor

Deborah S. Carstens

Third Advisor

Thomas Harrell


In this investigation, I discussed the use of Head-Mounted Displayed (HMD) Augmented Reality and its effects on a driver’s Situational Awareness (SA) while observing two driving scenarios. In this study I showed participants two videos, one with a simulated HMD and one without. Throughout the video, the participants were asked questions about their environment to see if they can retain information presented to them. This included the current speed of the vehicle, the next navigation direction, how many cars are surrounding the vehicle, and several others. These questions will give insight into the participant’s SA. This method is called the Situational Awareness Global Analysis Test (SAGAT), and has been used in numerous prior research involving SA. The questions were compiled and analyzed using a 2x3 ANOVA in which two display types were factorially combined with three age groups. It was predicted that the experimental video using the HMD will show a significant increase in SA compared to the no HMD condition. However, none of the factors in this experiment proved any significance. This does not mean there is no merit to HMDs, in fact this shows that HMDs are no more distracting than normal driving. With more research, it could be shown that HMDs can be beneficial to drivers; it has the potential to change how we drive. It also has the potential of reducing the amount of car accidents due to reducing the distractions presented to the driver by increasing their SA. The other possibility could be if it proves to be a distraction. If it is a distraction instead of an aid, we could implement laws and teach lessons early to reduce the amount of drivers willing to take the risk of driving with these devices.

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