"Different paths, same destination? Comparison between two approaches t" by Xiaowen Chen


Xiaowen Chen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Gary Burns

Second Advisor

Lisa Steelman

Third Advisor

Charles Bryant

Fourth Advisor

Patrick Converse


This dissertation focuses on developing SJTs to measure an individual’s cross-cultural competency, and comparing the two SJT development approaches in terms of development costs, reliability, validity, susceptibility to social desirability, and test-taker reactions. In the first phase, the two 3C SJTs were developed with the model-based approach and the SME-driven approach respectively. In the second phase, data were collected to examine the reliability and validity of the two SJTs. Both 3C SJTs demonstrated acceptable reliability (αSME = .72; αmodel =.70), and convergent to CQS (rSME = .35, p < .01; rmodel = . 24, p < .01). The SJTs psychometric properties were further examined in the third phase, wherein the SJTs displayed similar reliability and were convergent to CQS. Both SJTs predicted satisfaction with overseas life (βSME = .24, p < .01; βmodel = .18, p < .05) and sociocultural adaptability (βSME = -.20, p < .05; βmodel = -.21, p < .05), meanwhile, only having none or small correlation with satisfaction with general life (rSME = .10, n.s. and rmodel = .19, p < .05). The SME-driven SJT outperformed the model-based SJT and CQS in predicting the actual multicultural team performance that was rated by peers (βSME = .26, p < .05; βmodel = - .04, n.s.; βCQs = .01, n.s.). The utility of the two SJT development approaches, implications, future research directions and limitations were discussed in the end.


Copyright held by author.
