"Consequences of Public/Private Selves on the Stigmatized Individual in" by Dinah Miriam Camilleri

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Jessica L. Wildman

Second Advisor

Patrick D. Converse

Third Advisor

Michael H. Slotkin

Fourth Advisor

Lisa A. Steelman


Although workplace discrimination based on group membership has been studied, there is little research focused on the experience of stigmatized individuals and the organizational outcomes of perceived stigmatization. This study aimed to determine whether perceived stigmatization leads to negative consequences such as emotional exhaustion, counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs), and reduced job satisfaction through the process of public/private self-schematization. A sample of 302 employees identifying as religious minorities were surveyed three times over a period of four months. Findings indicate that self-schematization mediated the relationship between perceived stigmatization and emotional exhaustion while partially mediating the relationships between perceived stigmatization, job satisfaction, and CWBs. Diversity climate weakened the relationship between perceived stigmatization and schematization, whereas religiosity strengthened the relationships between self-schematization, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Finally, need for authenticity also strengthened the relationships between self-schematization and emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and CWBs. This study contributes to organizational research and practice by identifying when self-schematization is most likely to occur, the associated negative outcomes, and diversity climate as a potential mitigating factor.


Copyright held by author.
