"Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Drivers Attitudes towards Gen" by Indira Maharaj

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science In Aviation Human Factors



First Advisor

John Deaton

Second Advisor

Paul Buza

Third Advisor

Mark Harvey


The purpose of this study was to assess the qualitative and quantitative analyses of driver’s attitudes towards general usability of smart technology specific to the secondary task of texting while operating a vehicle for university students, aged 18-35, at the Florida Institute of Technology main campus in Melbourne, Florida. A mixed methods research design was utilized to gather data. The qualitative data were measured using content analysis, and the quantitative data were measured using descriptive and inferential analyses. The general consensus of both the quantitative and qualitative data showed that the majority of participants were satisfied with using smart technology to assist with the task of texting while operating a vehicle. While there were certain similarities between this current study and previous studies, there were also certain differences as well. This study focused specifically on the smart technology and its reception as opposed to the participant, or human user. The general trend of this study was that even though participants agreed that modifications could be made, they still expressed a level of fondness with regards to using smart technology regardless of its flaws.


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