Date of Award


Document Type

Doctoral Research Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



First Advisor

Richard T. Elmore Jr.

Second Advisor

Barbara M. Paulillo

Third Advisor

Robert A. Taylor

Fourth Advisor

Lisa A. Steelman


The current literature regarding military populations often neglects the difficulties the spouses of service members face with less emphasis on male spouses of female service members. The current research project utilized the 16 Personality Factor Couple’s Counseling Report (16PF CCR) variables to aid in expounding the factors that influence relationship functioning among male spouses of female combat veterans post-deployment. The results of the present study demonstrated a significant correlation between the nine satisfaction scores and the Overall Marital Satisfaction score, whereby Caring and Affection accounted for the majority of the variance explained in Overall Marital Satisfaction. Tension (Factor Q4) significantly and positively predicted male partner Personality Similarity. A significant relationship between four of the sixteen primary personality factors and Relationship Adjustment existed. A significant relationship was found between the length of a relationship and Overall Marital Satisfaction scores. Limitations, implications, and future research directions centered on the current study are explored.


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