Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Nicole Gravina

Second Advisor

Christopher Podlesnik

Third Advisor

Darby Proctor

Fourth Advisor

David Wilder


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate an arrangement to establish feedback as more preferred when delivered after higher effort responding rather than lower effort responding. The study took place in the laboratory settings to simulate a working environment. Participants had to complete a mock medical data entry task, and after either one or 20 responses they received feedback. Participants in this study were 16 undergraduate students. The main dependent variable was the percentage of preference change in paired stimulus preference assessments for two categories of stimuli; shapes that signaled which condition they were in and managers that were delivered with positive feedback statements. Each participant was exposed to preference assessments and trainings. Trainings consisted of two conditions; high effort and low effort. Each condition consisted of three components; initial component (shape signaling condition), middle component (task; FR 1 or FR 20), and terminal component (managers). Results of this study indicated that preference for the manager for both high effort and low effort stimuli increased. In addition, preference for the shape stimuli for both high effort and low effort stimuli decreased. This paper discusses implications, limitations, and future directions.


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