Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Bisk College of Business

First Advisor

Ivonne A. Delgado Perez

Second Advisor

Denise Siegfeldt

Third Advisor

Troy Glassman

Fourth Advisor

Terrence O’Connor


Two decades of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have concluded, bringing an end to the longest military conflicts in the history of the United States of America. Following the example of post-war history, the military’s posture is to reduce personnel end-strength. The post-war military requires fewer soldiers, and a significant number of transitioning officers make the journey from military to civilian employment. This quantitative study discovered the knowledge, skills, and abilities of combat-experienced, active-duty, Army field-grade officers and explored the change from military to civilian employment. This study addressed the gap in the literature regarding this specific group of transitioning officers and used a detailed survey to quantify the personal attributes of officers serving within a variety of occupational specialties called branches. Schlossberg’s (1981) transition theory and Katz’s (1955) skills model served as the frameworks for data analysis and understanding of the complex shift in occupation.


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