Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Engineering and Sciences

First Advisor

Marius C. Silaghi

Second Advisor

Debasis Mitra

Third Advisor

Pierre Larochelle

Fourth Advisor

Alexandre Stephane


Applications such like soldering require robot arms to follow the soldering line as present on a surface. We assume here that the surface to be soldered is remote from the robotic arm, that the soldering is performed via a laser beam, and that the line to be followed can be a curve that may self-intersect (e.g. a crack in the material). We describe research conducted using a robotic arm pointing a laser for tracing a remote line on a smooth surface. The image of the line is converted to a one pixel width skeleton line generated from images using a hit-and miss algorithm. The robotic arm guides the laser dot along a series of target positions based on a set of processed line segments. A camera is used to validate and correct the movement of the robotic laser arm by measuring position accuracy. The results show that the robotic arm successfully traced the lines with limited error.
