Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Bisk College of Business

First Advisor

Enrique Perez

Second Advisor

Jignya Patel

Third Advisor

Deborah Carstens

Fourth Advisor

Theodore Richardson


This narrative analysis study explored the relationship between transformational leadership styles and employees exhibiting discretionary behaviors related to performance in an organization. The study investigated the relationship between transformational leadership and its impact on employee discretionary behavior, the impact that transformational leadership has on the employee, and the organization's overall performance. It investigated whether or not there are any specific dimensions of transformational leadership that influence organizational citizenship behavior in customer support organizations. Understanding how a transformational leader behaves and interacts with employees in an organization is important when considering its contribution to employee performance and workplace behaviors. As employers look to hire leaders who will contribute to the organization's success, leadership traits, specifically transformational leadership traits, should be given heavy consideration. This research found that an inspirational, empowering, engaged, honest, and visionary leader contributed to employee engagement and success. While the focus of this research was not employee performance, there are findings that transformational leadership impacted performance via inspiring discretionary behavior or Organizational Citizenship Behavior, which led to improved employee performance. A narrative analysis design was best suited to analyze the perspective of employees working in a medium-sized customer support organization.


Copyright held by author.
