"Comparison of Reference Signal Received Power Measurements between Cel" by Sahin Gullu

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Engineering and Sciences

First Advisor

Josko Zec

Second Advisor

Susan Earles

Third Advisor

Ersoy Subasi

Fourth Advisor

Samuel Kozaitis


In cellular technology, before giving service to customers, coverage estimation, network optimization, and maintenance rely on RSRP (Received Signal Reference Power) measurements that are collected in a given area. This measurement collection is called “drive test or drive testing” that is very common practical experiment for RF engineers. These measurements are usually recorded by a professional receiver or a professional phone with appropriate software and license. A scanning receiver, PCTEL SeeGull EX scanning Receiver in this thesis, is a common professional tool for RF engineers to collect data. A cell phone, HTC One M7 for this experiment, has an appropriate application created by a Ph.D. student at Florida Institute of Technology in order to record the measurements. There may be some difference between a given coverage area and the area customers experience. Because of that, the target of this thesis is to show that there is a significant difference between the scanning receiver and the cell phone in terms of customers' experience. RSRP measurements were collected in Melbourne, FL with three different drive test from two devices at 700MHz in Long Term Evolution (LTE). These measurements were compared and presented in this thesis. Stochastic tools and theoretical analysis were utilized in order to understand the validity of this experiment.
