Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)


Bisk College of Business

First Advisor

Emily Martinez-Vogt

Second Advisor

Anene L. Nnolim

Third Advisor

Lisa Steelman

Fourth Advisor

Theodore Richardson


According to research, Millennials are becoming the predominant generation in the workforce with only 7% of them working for Department of Defense (DOD) organizations. It is critical for DOD organizations to recognize and understand the strengths and challenges in a multigenerational workplace to maximize performance and reduce turnover. DOD organizations need to be able to attract and retain Millennials to build a strong workforce to prepare for a global, technological, changing, and a connected future. This study examined the factors that contributed to turnover among Millennials in DOD organizations within the Tennessee Valley region. The researcher’s intentions were to find out if workplace needs, which previous researchers said are a requirement, are indeed the cause of turnover of Millennials or are there other factors. The two research questions for this study are: What factors contribute to a Millennial’s turnover intention within a DOD organization in the first two years of employment? What role do needs of Millennials play in turnover intention at a DOD organization in the first two years of employment?


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