"Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for Linear Hyperbolic Systems with Tw" by Afrah Almutairi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematical Sciences

First Advisor

Tariel Kiguradze

Second Advisor

Jian Du

Third Advisor

Pavithra Pathirathna

Fourth Advisor

Munevver Subasi


Nonlocal boundary value problems in a characteristic rectangle for second order linear hyperbolic systems are considered. There are established: (i) Unimprovable sufficient conditions for general boundary value problems to possess the Fredholm property; (ii) Optimal sufficient conditions of unique solvability of general boundary value problems; (iii) Effective sufficient conditions for doubly periodic problems to possess the Fredholm property; (iv) Unimprovable sufficient conditions of unique solvability of doubly periodic problems; (v) Effective sufficient conditions for boundary value problems of periodic type to possess the Fredholm property; (vi) Unimprovable sufficient conditions of unique solvability of boundary value problems of periodic type; (vii) Necessary and sufficient conditions of unique solvability of periodic and periodic type problems for linear hyperbolic systems with constant coefficients.
