
Ilhan Kaya

Document Type



Tissue engineering has broad applications fro1n creating the much needed engineered tissue and organ structures for regenerative medicine to providing in vitro testbeds for drug testing. In the later, application domain, creating alveolar lung tissue and simulating the diffusion process of oxygen and other possible agents front the air into the blood stream as well as modeling the removal of carbon dioxide and other possible entities-from the blood stream are of critical importance to simulating lung functions in various environments. In this paper, we propose a physics-based model to simulate the alveolar gas exchange and the alveolar diffusion process. Tissue engineers, for the first time may utilize these simulation results to better understand the underlying gas exchange process and properly adjust the tissue growing cycles. In this work, alveolar tissues are imaged by means of an Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM) system developed in our laboratory. As a consequence, 30 alveoli tissue data with its inherent complex boundary is taken as input to the simulation system, which is based on computational fluid mechanics in simulating the alveolar gas exchange. The visualization and the simulation of diffusion of the air into the blood through of the alveoli tissue is performed using a state-of·art Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Results show the real-time simulation of the gas exchange through the 2D alveoli tissue.

Publication Date



Link Foundation Fellowship for the years 2008-2009.

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