"Post-Rendering 3D Image Warping" by William R. Mark


William R. Mark

Document Type



A pair of rendered images and their Z-buffers contain almost all of the information necessary to re-render from nearby viewpoints. For the small changes in viewpoint that occur in a fraction of a second, this information is sufficient for high quality re-rendering with cost independent of scene complexity. Re-rendering from previously computed views allows an order-of-magnitude increase in apparent frame rate over that provided by conventional rendering alone. It can also compensate for system latency in local or remote display. We use McMillan and Bishop's image warping algorithm to re-render, allowing us to compensate for viewpoint translation as well as rotation. We avoid occlusion-related artifacts by warping two different reference images and compositing the results. This paper explains the basic design of our system and provides details of our reconstruction and multi-image compositing algorithms. We present our method for selecting reference image locations and the heuristic we use for any portions of the scene which happen to be occluded in both reference images. We also discuss properties of our technique which make it suitable for real-time implementation, and briefly describe our simpler real-time remote display system.

Publication Date



Link Foundation Fellowship for the years 1996-1997

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