"Am I Committed or Conflicted? Examining Implications of Self-concept S" by Nicholas Aaron Moon

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Patrick D. Converse

Second Advisor

Lisa A. Steelman

Third Advisor

Jignya M. Patel

Fourth Advisor

Gary N. Burns


Although research on self-concept is extensive, few studies have examined the relationship between specific aspects of self-concept structure (e.g., self-concept clarity) and self-regulation constructs (e.g., goal commitment). In addition, research has linked aspects of self-concept structure with well-being outcomes, but less is known about the mechanisms involved in these relationships. This research addresses these two issues by examining self-concept structure (self-concept clarity and self-concept differentiation) as antecedents of key self-regulatory mechanisms (goal commitment and goal conflict) and how these linkages may help explain connections between self-concept structure and well-being and performance. More specifically, two studies examined these relationships, with Study 1 investigating these variables in individuals’ lives in general and Study 2 focusing on these variables in the work context. Regarding self-regulatory mechanisms, SCC was related to goal commitment and SCD was related to both goal commitment and goal conflict. For psychological well-being, SCC was related to eudaimonic, hedonic, and work engagement, whereas SCD was related to eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. In addition, goal commitment was related to work engagement and goal conflict was related to eudaimonic well-being and positive affect. Finally, for performance-related outcomes, SCC was positively related to in-role job performance. In addition, goal commitment was related to goal progress and in-role job performance. However, results for the indirect effects were mixed. Taken together, these results suggest that aspects of self-concept structure may have notable implications for self-regulatory mechanisms, psychological well-being, and performance outcomes.


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