"Comparing Video Modeling to Tactile Feedback to Train Medical Skills" by Kelcie Erin McCafferty

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Behavioral Analysis

First Advisor

David A. Wilder

Second Advisor

Radhika Krishnamurthy

Third Advisor

Kaitlynn M. Gokey

Fourth Advisor

Nicole Gravina


Medical skills and practices have been continuously advancing, with many recent advancements in clinical practice. However, medical training has yet to develop in tandem with medical advancement. Behavior analysis has a large body of research and practice in the area of skill acquisition to offer the medical field. TAGteach® is one example of a behavior analytic method that could be beneficial to the medical field. Although traditional applications of TAGteach® have been proven to be effective, they may not be socially valid or accepted by the larger population or medical professionals. The purpose of the present study was to compare traditionally effective methods of training that include video modeling and selfevaluative video feedback to tactile TAGteach®. The results show that both interventions improved performance compared to baseline responding. However, tactile TAGteach® was the only intervention to produce 100% correct responding. In addition, responding under tactile TAGteach®, but not video modeling and feedback, maintained at mastery levels.


Copyright held by author.
