Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Arts and Communication

First Advisor

Theodore G. Petersen

Second Advisor

Mark T. Harvey

Third Advisor

Heidi Hartfield Edwards


This design project develops a strategic communication plan for the Clemente Center at the Florida Institute of Technology, aimed at enhancing campus engagement. The methodology includes interviews, focus groups, a SWOT analysis, and secondary data analysis, providing insights into the communication dynamics at the center.

Key findings reveal a reliance on outdated communication methods and insufficient use of digital platforms. The proposed communication plan introduces optimized digital signage, targeted email campaigns, community engagement initiatives, and enhanced staff training. These strategies are designed to be cost-effective and actionable, addressing the center's current limitations and leveraging opportunities for improved community interaction.

This project offers new perspectives on applying strategic communication within university settings, emphasizing practical, scalable solutions for fostering a connected and responsive campus environment.


Copyright is held by author.

Included in

Communication Commons
