"Is ‘How’m I Doin’?’ a Universal Question? Unpackaging Cultural Differe" by Rana Gaby Moukarzel

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Lisa A. Steelman

Second Advisor

Patrick D. Converse

Third Advisor

Jessica L. Wildman

Fourth Advisor

Heidi H. Edwards


The feedback literature is based on the premise that given a favorable context and a drive to reduce uncertainties, all individuals should seek self-relevant performance information. However, this framework has only been empirically examined using Western samples and has failed to consider the influence of the broader context, with the exclusion of Sully de Luque and Sommer’s (2000) cultural framework. The purpose of this project was to integrate extant culture theory into the feedback seeking literature for a more comprehensive framework, and a more global understanding of cultural contingencies surrounding the feedback seeking process. Findings revealed the universality of feedback seeking. Cross-cultural differences in the frequency of feedback seeking were a factor of the feedback environment facilitated by the supervisor as well as personal feedback seeking motives, made salient by specific features of the sociocultural context (e.g., Tightness-Looseness, Need for Harmony, and Relation to Broad Environment). The contributions of this research to theory, the practical implications of such findings, and ideas for future research were discussed.


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