"Effect of Thermal Treatments on Mechanical Properties and Bioactivity " by Rajan Pandya

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences

First Advisor

Michael Fenn

Second Advisor

Vipuil Kishore

Third Advisor

Mehmet Kaya

Fourth Advisor

Ted Conway


Unavailability of donors for transplanting bone to help people with orthopedic imparities gave rise to the metal implants that could be made in factories. This seemed like a good solution as it was available to all the people who needed it. It came with limitations such as restricted movement, infection, wear and tear of the surrounding tissue, and rejection. Biologically active implants were introduced by Dr. Larry Hench in 1960s [12]. The field of regenerative medicine has been changing rapidly since then. Biologically active implants facilitate bone regeneration and do not harm the surrounding tissue in any way. The bioactive glasses when supplied with the growth factors help the tissue to regenerate strength of the new tissue formed is almost equal to and in some cases greater than the natural tissue. There are many variables that affect or enhance the strength and biological activity of the bioactive glasses. Some of these variables are: composition of the bioactive implant, temperature used in sintering, time of exposure. In this study we looked at effect of sintering temperature and exposure time on mechanical strength and bioactivity of the bioactive glass. It was found that, as the sintering temperature and exposure time increased the materials that were produced were more strong and biocompatible.


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